Introducing VMware Validated Solutions

Wow. Its been a minute since I posted. Thats because we have been furiously beavering away on the evolution of VMware Validated Design (VVD). Those of you familiar with VVD will know that it was an end to end validated cloud stack that included design and detailed implementation steps required to deploy a Software-Defined Data... Continue Reading →

Announcing PowerVCF 2.1.0

So I finally got the time and opportunity to start contributing to this great initiative. I've done lots of work with and around PowerVCF before, but never actually contributed code. Thats changed with this release. Hurrah! In my spare time, I've been doing a lot of PowerShell development on internal tooling used to prepare for... Continue Reading →

Lab Automation: Unattended Windows Deployments including AD Forests, Domains and SQL server – Part IX: Build a Configure-Host.ps1 and Answer Files ISO for a New Child Domain in an Existing Forest

Now that we have two domain controllers in the root domain, we are going to add a child domain. In this case, we will build Child Domain 1 DC01. The same function can be used (by simply passing different parameters) to build Child Domain 2 DC01. PowerShell Script for New Child Domain This is the... Continue Reading →

Lab Automation: Unattended Windows Deployments including AD Forests, Domains and SQL server – Part VIII: Build a Configure-Host.ps1 and Answer Files ISO for a New Domain Controller in an Existing Domain

In this post we are going to build on what we did in Post VII where we built a new forest. This time we are going to add a second domain controller to that root domain ie Forest Root DC 02 PowerShell Script for New Domain Controller This is the complete function that: Customizes the... Continue Reading →

Lab Automation: Unattended Windows Deployments including AD Forests, Domains and SQL server – Part VII: Build a Configure-Host.ps1 and Answer Files ISO for a New Active Directory Forest

Now that we have built a SQL Server successfully, lets go back a step and show how we can build out Active Directory in the lab, lifting minimum fingers in the process. You might remember the below diagram from Post V in the series. Same basic flow will apply to building the AD Boxes, but... Continue Reading →

Lab Automation: Unattended Windows Deployments including AD Forests, Domains and SQL server – Part VI: Creating and configuring the VM

Now that we have all the supporting material lets create a short PowerShell script that creates the VM with: User specified hardware settingsCorrect boot environmentAdditional CD ROM for answer filesMounts the ISOsStarts the VMLaunches VMware Remote Console (so that we can watch our baby grow! ) PowerShell Script Function newAutoDeployedVM { Param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [String]$target, [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]... Continue Reading →

Lab Automation: Unattended Windows Deployments including AD Forests, Domains and SQL server – Part IV: Understanding and Building the autounattend.xml file

Typically, unattended windows installations are controlled using an autounattend.xml file stored at the root of the installation media. However, they can be stored at the root of any drive mounted to the machine during boot (Windows will search them all) The installation itself uses several passes (consider these to be stages of installation). You can... Continue Reading →

Its been a while…..

So its been a busy couple of months for me - if not for my blog. In that time I've started with the VMware ISBU team working on VVD and VCF, alternating between drinking from the firehose, getting to know the team and figuring out where the bathrooms are 🙂 Personally its really exciting. I'm... Continue Reading →

Breadcrumb Build – Region A VVD Virtual Infrastructure on VxRail Part 8: Installing NSX for the Shared Edge/Compute VxRail

Welcome to Part 8 of my VVD on VxRail Breadcrumb Build Series As before, we'll deploy and tweak the NSX infrastructure for the SEC vCenter in this post, and then deploy the logical networking in the next post Anything in the format [input_value] represents a value from your preparation that you should insert (without the square brackets... Continue Reading →

Pro Tip: What is this series of posts about?

Short and simple, these posts are about digging yourself out of holes that you have managed to fall into. Usually by not paying attention. With my colleagues and friends the words 'Pro Tip' are normally followed by the word 'Don't' and then a description of a really numbskull move 🙂

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